Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Now Really Learning EJB

For the past three years of working here at ASTI-DOST I and my team mates have been building various web applications, most of which are information systems. Our first main project wasn't that really big so we opted to implement it using just POJOS, Servlets, and JSPs with three layer MVC as framework. Same with the following projects, they weren't really that complicated to require the use of EJBs. Until January this year, we started on a totally massive project that encompasses a lot of agencies and councils under the department of science, both with existing information systems and those who don't have yet. The whole system will be covering a lot of components that it will require a really sturdy and robust web application framework to make it last for a lot of years, easily maintanable and expandable in the future. Now I could see that at last I will be able put into practice my EJB knowledge into a real world problem, a really big problem I should say. Still, there are other application frameworks that comes into the scene that could match up to EJB. . .like Spring. In fact, I have already studied and practiced Spring into a mini project of mine before even trying out EJB. But the fact that I have already used Spring and saw its promises against EJB gives me the joy of studying EJB 1.4 and see what Spring is talking about. Now that I could see the flaws of EJB 1.4 in contrast to Spring, I could understand more why Spring did this and did that in response to EJB's shortcomings. On my study plan, after learning EJB 1.4 and putting it into practice (oh what a tedious task. . .), I will dive into EJB 3.0 to see what was EJB's response to Spring. I am pretty sure both will really battle well and I am more than excited to learn both.

Ever learning,

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